Fresh Fitness Food
Fresh Fitness Food (FFF) combines precision nutrition with convenience, by offering individualized meals which are cooked and delivered everyday to your doorstep. Currently, FFF delivers more than 70,000 meals per month in and around London.
Our Contribution
FFF partnered with us in early 2019 to develop an end-to-end solution to run its entire business. This mini-ERP manages every step of FFF’s workflow starting from the customer sign-up, to automating meal planning (to ensure that users receive the exact nutrition they need each day), managing cooking manifests and deliveries. The system developed by us enables FFF to offer customers a range of options to manage and schedule their meal deliveries. A custom relationship management module tracks and stores all data related to customers and personalizes messaging based on their position in the customer lifecycle. Immediately upon launch, FFF realized a 14% improvement in net margins. We also built a mobile app which makes use of health tracker data to help FFF improve its precision nutrition offering, while also building a globally franchisable digital platform which will allow it to transform into a technology company.